Birth - Toddler
Open from 8:30AM - 12:15PM. The Nursery is located in the Children's Ministry Hallway near the Gym/Christian Growth Center. The nursery is sanitized frequently and the room is only utilized for nursery care.
Young Children
Sunday school happens every Sunday morning from 9:50am-10:50am. Gathering time consists of song, dance, music, and an introduction to the story they will be learning about. Snack is included. Parents may pick their child up in the CDC/Preschool area.

Elementary Kids
1st- 5th Grade
Grades 1st-5th meet in classrooms divided by grade level spanning the entire 1st floor, down the hall from the Young Children.
Child Development Center
Our Child Development Center is our 5 day a week Preschool. We love, support, and work alongside the preschool to make sure our kids are loved 365 days out of the year!
Child Development Center